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Basic elements and manufacturing process of emulsified asphalt plant

This set of mechanical equipment includes wastewater treatment, water storage tank, automatic water measurement and verification temperature control system, asphalt storage tank, asphalt external temperature system, hot water pump soap condiment system, soap storage tank, soap mixing pump, soap external It is composed of temperature system and measurement verification system, filtration system, hot asphalt mixing pump and measurement verification system, three-stage pipeline-type black antistatic medical tweezers, emulsified asphalt cooling system and retrieval machinery, and automatic control system for commercial tanks and electrical equipment.

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This set of mechanical equipment includes wastewater treatment, water storage tank, automatic water measurement and verification temperature control system, asphalt storage tank, asphalt external temperature system, hot water pump soap condiment system, soap storage tank, soap mixing pump, soap external It is composed of temperature system and measurement verification system, filtration system, hot asphalt mixing pump and measurement verification system, three-stage pipeline-type black antistatic medical tweezers, emulsified asphalt cooling system and retrieval machinery, and automatic control system for commercial tanks and electrical equipment.
The whole set of process is modular in design, and customers can mix and match according to the requirements. Each part of the weapon is as follows: Wastewater treatment system: It carries out industrial filtration and adsorption of epoxy resin glue for general domestic water exchange and communication, so that the life with high strength can be achieved. The water is changed into pure softened water treatment, which reduces the water tolerance and improves the emulsion effect of asphalt or modified engineering plastic asphalt.
Water storage tank: can store water for soap and condiments. The liquid level indicator is automatically controlled, so there will be no worries about water leakage. 3. Automatic water measurement and temperature control system: Use high-temperature thermal oil to heat the water through the equipment, and accurately measure the water. Water flow temperature, adjust the centrifugal water pump transmission ratio to control the water flow, so that the temperature reaches the manufacturing process requirements. Based on the accurate measurement of water flow, the controller compares it with the control parameters. When the control parameters are reached, the power supply is cut off to achieve a qualitative analysis of the power supply function.
Soap liquid storage tank: The distributed soap liquid is stored here for thermal insulation and is used with the soap liquid batching tank service facility to ensure continuous production. Soap liquid mixing pump and metering calibration system: The soap liquid is supplied to the pipeline-type black anti-static medical tweezers at a set flow rate, which can ensure the reliability and production planning of the emulsified asphalt. Filtration system: The coarse sediment in hot asphalt and soap solution can be filtered into the system to avoid damaging the asphalt machinery and equipment in the subsequent process.
Three-stage pipeline-type black antistatic medical tweezers: It is a cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease of mechanical equipment modified engineering plastic emulsified asphalt, which is directly related to the quality of emulsified asphalt and modified engineering plastic emulsified asphalt. The raw materials are torn and damaged under the high-speed cutting of the multi-level and two-layer delicately coordinated rotors. Accept the obvious practical effects of industrial equipment and hydraulic transmission. The asphalt is loosened and emulsified in a short period of time, so that the asphalt is turned into tiny fine particles and evenly dispersed in the water to form a stable oil-in-water emulsion, which is emulsified asphalt.


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    Water is one of the raw materials of the modified asphalt storage tank, and it is distributed in various components of the modified asphalt storage tank equipment. According to the components where water is distributed, the anti-cold measures are explained one by one. The water tank of the modified asphalt storage tank, the water inside the water tank is released through the filter valve. Some instruments of the modified asphalt storage tank do not have a filter valve to save the cost of the equipment. The modified asphalt storage tank can only be drained by loosening the flange bolts at the bottom. The water pump of the modified asphalt storage tank mentioned here includes a hot water pump and a circulating water pump. This type of water pump for the modified asphalt storage tank generally uses a pipeline centrifugal pump. There is a sewage outlet at the bottom of the pipeline centrifugal pump. The modified asphalt storage tank pays attention to the sewage treatment of the sewage outlet at the bottom of the pump. The modified asphalt storage tank emulsion tank generally uses a cone bottom. However, in order to better process the modified asphalt storage tank coefficient, the inlet and outlet are usually not placed at the bottom of the modified asphalt storage tank. Emulsion (mostly water) will remain at the bottom of the tank, and this part of the residual liquid in the modified asphalt storage tank must be discharged through the filter valve at the bottom. Emulsion pump for modified asphalt storage tank There are basically two types of emulsion pumps for modified asphalt storage tank equipment on the market, gear pumps or centrifugal water pumps. Gear pumps can only discharge the liquid inside the pump through the connection flange of the pipeline. The centrifugal water pump for modified asphalt storage tanks uses its own sewage outlet for sewage treatment. The first four items of modified asphalt storage tanks with basic knowledge are basically discharged, and the modified asphalt storage tanks will focus on the latter types. Modified asphalt storage tank colloid mill There will also be residual emulsion or water inside the modified asphalt storage tank colloid mill. The gap between the stator and rotor of the colloid mill is within 1mm. If there is a little residual water in the modified asphalt storage tank, it will cause the accident of frozen modified asphalt storage tank. The residue in the colloid mill can be treated by loosening the connection bolts of the finished product pipeline.