Discuss the characteristics of drum bitumen melting equipment
Modified material bitumen stripper, if the definition is simple, is an bitumen stripper. If described in detail, modified materials such as rubber powder or other fillers are added to the bitumen stripper, or an bitumen stripper is used to Block chemical substances such as photooxygen catalysis. The first is to change the chemical composition of the bitumen stripper, and the second is to use modified materials to equip the stripper with a certain spatial network structure, thereby improving its performance. Modified bitumen strippers mainly include vulcanized rubber and thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer modified bitumen strippers, plastic and anti-corrosion coating modified bitumen strippers and polymer modified bitumen strippers.
Modified material bitumen stripper, if the definition is simple, is an bitumen stripper. If described in detail, modified materials such as rubber powder or other fillers are added to the bitumen stripper, or an bitumen stripper is used to Block chemical substances such as photooxygen catalysis. The first is to change the chemical composition of the bitumen stripper, and the second is to use modified materials to equip the stripper with a certain spatial network structure, thereby improving its performance. Modified bitumen strippers mainly include vulcanized rubber and thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer modified bitumen strippers, plastic and anti-corrosion coating modified bitumen strippers and polymer modified bitumen strippers. At present, its application is also very extensive. Bitumen desquamation equipment, including knowledge, has the following key aspects: Rapid heating tank: has automatic temperature control, and has a circulation system and cleaning system. Thermostatic box: It can carry out automatic temperature control, is a liquid level meter remote control indication, and has mixing and anti-overflow installation. Manual bitumen metering and transportation system software: can automatically output the total flow value to stabilize at the preset value, and terminate deposition in the control system. Rubber powder measurement and verification transportation system software: can automatically output the preset flow value parameters and terminate accumulation in the control system. Mixing tank: automatic temperature control, weighing indicating liquid level meter.
Control system: Automatic and manual types are used together and used in conjunction with each other. Moreover, it can be operated remotely to control its system structure and installation.