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drum dryer for asphalt mixing plant

drum dryer is used for asphalt plant,it is one of the main parts of asphalt mixing equipment

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 Drying drum is one of the main parts of asphalt mixing equipment. Its main function is to heat and dry the aggregate and to heat the aggregate to the temperature required for a high quality asphalt mixture. The drying drum is provided by the heat source of the burner, and the moisture in the aggregate is vaporized and extracted by the induced draft fan. The drying cylinder has a 3-5 degree inclination in the vertical axis direction, the aggregate tilts down, and the flame and flue gas of the burner are inclined up, that is, the countercurrent type is used. When the flue gas in the cylinder slopes upward, the temperature decreases gradually because the heat is absorbed by the aggregate. The gradient of aggregate temperature increases gradually when the slope decreases, and the gradient of aggregate temperature rise is more uniform. It will not make large aggregate burst by high temperature, affecting the quality of concrete, the speed of the drying cylinder is constant, and the drying cylinder is composed of a number of long cylindrical cylinders of blades, friction roller, friction roller, deceleration motor, the bottom frame of the barrel, the end seat of the material in and out, the limiting wheel, and the insulation material. Drying drum is one of the main parts of asphalt mixing equipment. Its main function is to heat and dry the aggregate and to heat the aggregate to the temperature required for a high quality asphalt mixture. The drying drum is provided by the heat source of the burner, and the moisture in the aggregate is vaporized and extracted by the induced draft fan. The drying cylinder has a 3-5 degree inclination in the vertical axis direction, the aggregate tilts down, and the flame and flue gas of the burner are inclined up, that is, the countercurrent type is used. When the flue gas in the cylinder slopes upward, the temperature decreases gradually because the heat is absorbed by the aggregate. The gradient of aggregate temperature increases gradually when the slope decreases, and the gradient of aggregate temperature rise is more uniform. It will not make large aggregate burst by high temperature, affecting the quality of concrete, the speed of the drying cylinder is constant, and the drying cylinder is composed of a number of long cylindrical cylinders of blades, friction roller, friction roller, deceleration motor, the bottom frame of the barrel, the end seat of the material in and out, the limiting wheel, and the insulation material.

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