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Hardware failures and efficiency of asphalt mixing plants

Hardware failures and efficiency of asphalt mixing plants

Certain failures cannot be avoided during the use of the asphalt mixing plant. For example, a malfunction of the cold material feeding device may cause the asphalt mixing plant to shut down. This may be due to a malfunction in the asphalt mixing plant or due to gravel or foreign matter being trapped under the cold material belt.

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Certain failures cannot be avoided during the use of the asphalt mixing plant. For example, a malfunction of the cold material feeding device may cause the asphalt mixing plant to shut down. This may be due to a malfunction in the asphalt mixing plant or due to gravel or foreign matter being trapped under the cold material belt. If it is stuck, if it is a circuit failure, first check whether the motor control inverter of the asphalt mixing station is faulty and whether the line is connected or open. It is also possible that the belt is slipping and deviating, making it difficult to operate. If so, the belt tension should be readjusted. If it is stuck, someone should be sent to clear the obstruction to ensure that the belt is running and feeding good materials. If the mixer in the asphalt mixing station malfunctions and the sound is abnormal, it may be because the mixer is instantly overloaded, causing the fixed support of the drive motor to be dislocated, or the fixed bearing is damaged, and the bearing needs to be reset, fixed or replaced.


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