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Steps of mixing materials with asphalt

Bitumen, a black or brown petroleum-like material, has a viscosity ranging from a viscous liquid to a glassy solid. It can be obtained as a residue separated from natural deposits. Bitumen consists of hydrogen and carbon compounds with small amounts of nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen. The preparation of mixed materials for mixing with asphalt is done in several steps:
Prediction: According to the asphalt recipe, the individual components of the aggregate are weighed. Usually this is done using a belt scale, since the material must go to the next step in a continuous flow.

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Bitumen, a black or brown petroleum-like material, has a viscosity ranging from a viscous liquid to a glassy solid. It can be obtained as a residue separated from natural deposits. Bitumen consists of hydrogen and carbon compounds with small amounts of nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen. The preparation of mixed materials for mixing with asphalt is done in several steps:
Prediction: According to the asphalt recipe, the individual components of the aggregate are weighed. Usually this is done using a belt scale, since the material must go to the next step in a continuous flow.
Drying: In a rotating drying drum, the components of the aggregate are dried at a temperature of 140-190 ° C. After drying, the components are sieved and stored several dozen separately.
Weighing: Since drying can change the previous particle size distribution curve, a final weighing is necessary before adding the individual aggregate components to the mixer. This also allows for quick changes in recipes. The binder (bitumen) is kept in a heating box and added to the mixer according to the measured flow rate.
Mixing: The mixer can work continuously or in intervals. Interval mixers use a loading screw to feed the aggregates, and the binder is injected synchronously into the mixing chamber. For very high volumes, continuously operating mixers are used that cannot quickly adapt to changing volumes and formulation needs.
Dispatch: The mixed material is stored in a heated silo and there are usually several chambers to store different formulations.


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    The mobile forced asphalt mixing equipment adopts intermittent drying cylinder, double forced mixer, the main machine can be towed, small footprint, short installation cycle, convenient operation and maintenance, good stability, high degree of automation, high degree of standardization, and high quality of finished products, and the technology of continuous improvement. The mobile forced asphalt mixing plant is suitable for high-grade road asphalt paving and maintenance.
    1. The combined structure of the drum dryer and the batching machine is installed on a movable bracket for easy movement.
    2. The asphalt mixing plant is equipped with a double horizontal shaft to boil the aggregate and ensure uniform mixing.
    3. In the densely arranged hanging barrels, the hot aggregate rises vertically. This lifting tool is easy to use and reliable.
    4. For accurate weighing of aggregates, asphalt and powder ore, a measuring scale is used, which contains a weighing sensor for electronic measurement.
    5. The movement of the power material follows a closed spiral path, which ensures little material loss and provides safe transfer.
    6. On the cyclone burner, high-pressure oil is sprayed out and quickly atomized. In the combustion chamber, the material is fed in a spiral manner and automatically ignited by the oil mist, which ensures combustion efficiency. The cylindrical barrel of the burner is separated from the burner head. The furnace cavity can be pushed in and pulled out, which is convenient for replacing the damaged side column bricks inside the burner. The entire burner has a large heat capacity and high thermal strength. This is cost-effectiveness.