Sinoroader helps each customer find the right solution for asphalt mix plant
When the moment arrives for the entrepreneur to make his decision to purchase an
asphalt plant, he may leave it up to the suppliers to help decide on the best layout and configuration. As technological leader of the asphalt mixing plants, we can offer our customers mobile machine solutions for road construction and road rehabilitation, and for the production of asphalt.
batch mix asphalt plants the weight of the aggregates is checked after drying, before they are fed into the mixer. The weighing, therefore, in the weigh hopper is not influenced by moisture or by variable factors , such as changeable weather conditions.
In batch asphalt plants, the mixer with double arms and paddles means the mixing quality is undoubtedly better when compared with continuous plants because it is forced. This feature is particularly important when dealing with ‘special products’ (porous asphalt, splittmastik, high RAP content, etc), which require a high level of quality control. In addition, with ‘forced mixing’ methods, the mixing time can be lengthened or shortened and thereby the mixing quality can be varied, depending on the type of material being produced. On the other hand, in continuous plants the length of the mixing action must necessarily stay constant.

asphalt batch mix plants discontinuously mix the precisely weighed components (mineral, bitumen, filler) of the asphalt mixture in batches as per the recipe in an asphalt mixer. This process is highly flexible because the mixture recipe can be changed for each batch. In addition, a higher mixing quality can be achieved due to the more precisely added quantities and adapted mixing times or mixing cycles.
Hot asphalt has to have a processing temperature of at least 60 °C. Since the asphaltic mixture should not cool down on the way from the asphalt plant to the destination, a correspondingly complex transport chain with special-purpose vehicles is required. The use of the special-purpose vehicles have the effect that hot asphalt is often economically not viable and not feasible for small repairs.
with Sinoroader technologies, every customer can find the right solution for their location, according to the specific requirements and conditions.