Can the damaged parts in the asphalt mixing plant be repaired?
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Can the damaged parts in the asphalt mixing plant be repaired?
Release Time:2024-08-06
Due to the influence of various factors, asphalt mixing plants will inevitably have problems after a period of use. Due to lack of experience, they do not know how to deal with these problems. The editor summarizes some experience and skills in this regard for your reference.
What should be done before disassembling asphalt mixing equipment_1What should be done before disassembling asphalt mixing equipment_2
According to the different manifestations of the problem of the asphalt mixing plant, the solution is also different. For example, when the parts in the asphalt mixing plant are fatigue damaged, it is necessary to start from the production of the parts. On the one hand, it is necessary to improve the surface finish of the parts. On the other hand, the purpose of reducing the stress concentration of the parts can be achieved by adopting a relatively mild cross-section filtration. In addition, the performance of the parts can be improved by carburizing, quenching and other methods, so as to achieve the effect of reducing the fatigue damage of the parts.
But if the damage of the parts in the asphalt mixing plant is due to friction, what should be done? The simplest and most effective way is to use wear-resistant materials as much as possible, and when designing the shape of the mixing plant components, try to reduce its friction resistance. In addition, corrosion is also one of the reasons that lead to parts damage. In this case, you can use nickel, chromium, zinc and other corrosion-resistant materials to plate the surface of metal parts, or apply oil on the surface of metal parts, and apply anti-corrosion paint on the surface of non-metallic parts to prevent parts from corrosion.