Detailed introduction to the application characteristics of modified material emulsified asphalt equipment
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Detailed introduction to the application characteristics of modified material emulsified asphalt equipment
Release Time:2024-11-22
Application characteristics of modified material emulsified asphalt equipment:
1. Environmental protection and energy saving. The gasoline or motor gasoline component in diluent bitumen can reach 50%, while the modified material emulsified asphalt equipment only contains 0 to 2%. This is a saving behavior of important value in the production and application of white fuel. By adding light oil solvent to reduce the viscosity of the asphalt, the asphalt can be irrigated and paved, and the light processing after use is expected. Oil can evaporate into the air.
2. Versatility. There are many ways to use modified material emulsified asphalt equipment, and you must choose the appropriate method when using it. Modified emulsified asphalt equipment suggests that the same moisturizing emulsion can be used for large-scale through-layer paving, and can also be used for small-scale pothole repair work. Since they can be stored in storage tanks for long periods of time, they are very easy to use when used in remote areas.
3. Easy to use. The spreading of moisturizing lotion requires systematic machinery and equipment, such as a paving machine. Modified emulsified asphalt equipment proposes that small-scale emulsion applications can use manual irrigation and manual paving at the same time, such as small-area pothole repair work, gap caulking materials, etc., small-scale cold-mix mixtures All you need is basic equipment. For example, a watering can with a partition and a shovel can be used to repair small-scale penetrations and cracks. Applications such as filling holes in the ground are simple and easy to use.