Generally, the manufacture of emulsified asphalt is to place the mixed soap solution formed by water, acid, emulsifier, etc. in a blending tank, and then transport it to the colloid mill together with asphalt for shearing and grinding to produce emulsified asphalt.

Methods for preparing emulsified modified asphalt:
1. The production process of emulsification first and then modification, and first use the base asphalt to make emulsified asphalt, and then add the modifier to the general emulsified asphalt to make emulsified modified asphalt.
2. Modification and emulsification at the same time, add the emulsifier and modifier base asphalt to the colloid mill, and obtain the emulsified modified asphalt by shearing and grinding.
3. The process of modification first and then emulsification, first add the modifier to the base asphalt to generate modified hot asphalt, and then add the modified hot asphalt and water, additives, emulsifiers, etc. to the colloid mill to make emulsified modified asphalt.