How to clean the dust filter bag of the asphalt mixing plant?
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How to clean the dust filter bag of the asphalt mixing plant?
Release Time:2024-07-11
When the asphalt mixing plant equipment is in operation, a lot of dust will often be generated on the construction site, so it is necessary to equip it with corresponding dust removal equipment. Generally, a bag dust collector is used, and its dust filter bag is an effective dust filter material with good ventilation performance, high dust removal efficiency, and certain acid, alkali and heat resistance.
After a long period of use, in order to continue the work of the asphalt mixing plant, the dust filter bag needs to be cleaned. Since the dust filter bag is a very important part of the bag dust collector, it has good ventilation performance, high dust removal efficiency, and certain acid, alkali and heat resistance. Multi-sided brushing is used in the weaving process to increase the thickness of the fabric and make it elastic, so the dust removal effect is very good, and its service life is generally four to six times that of glass fiber fabric, so its cleaning work is very important.
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So, what are the contents of the cleaning work for the dust filter bag of the asphalt mixing plant?
First of all, due to different actual conditions, before cleaning, in order to ensure the cleaning effect, we need to conduct chemical experiments on it. The main steps are to extract the bag sample, use professional instruments to test the oil and dirt components of the filter bag, select suitable washing materials according to the content of the components, and clean the dust filter bag of the asphalt mixing plants to the greatest extent without causing any damage to it.
Secondly, the dirt that is easier to remove on its surface can be removed by high-frequency vibration first, so that the larger dirt and impurities entering the filter bag wall can be removed first, and there is no effect on the entanglement of the fiber, maintaining the performance of the dust filter bag of the asphalt mixing station and the easy peeling of the dirt. Then, choose appropriate chemical agents to soak the filter bag, remove the oil stains and dirt in the gap of the filter bag, and increase the air permeability of the filter bag to the maximum extent.
Then, cleaning work is needed. According to the above situation, first select suitable washing items, use low-temperature water for cleaning, keep the water flow uniform, moderate intensity, and do not cause damage to the dust filter bag of the asphalt mixing plant. Then, the order is drying, repairing and testing to ensure that the cleaning quality meets the requirements.