Insulation protection measures for asphalt spreaders in winter
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Insulation protection measures for asphalt spreaders in winter
Release Time:2024-08-21
The temperature of the asphalt spreader is gradually decreasing. After the snow freezes, the ground will cause certain damage to the asphalt spreader, so insulation measures must be taken. We will explain how to take insulation measures for the asphalt spreader from the aspects of the aggregate hopper, conveyor belt, mixing server, gravel yard, water tank, concrete admixture, asphalt spreader transport vehicle, etc.
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The insulation of the aggregate hopper of the asphalt spreader mainly involves setting up an insulation shed, and the height of the insulation shed must meet the feeding height of the loading machine. The furnace is lit inside the insulation shed, and the temperature inside the asphalt spreader is not less than 20℃. The insulation of the conveyor belt mainly uses insulation cotton or antifreeze felt to cover the surrounding area to prevent the heat generated by sand and gravel from escaping. According to the characteristics of the asphalt spreader, the mixing server is located in the mixing building. When winter comes, the surrounding area of ??the mixing building will be tightly closed.
Before starting the asphalt spreader, the operator must check whether the posture of each component is flexible, heat the asphalt spreader reducer, and prevent the asphalt spreader from burning the operating appliances due to excessive starting load. The main method of heat preservation in the gravel field is to set up a heat preservation shed with a stove inside. The asphalt spreader must ensure that the greenhouse construction fence is close. In addition, due to the large size and total area of ??the heat preservation greenhouse, in order to prevent collapse, the surrounding area of ??the greenhouse must be equipped with a propulsion cable. The water tank is heated and insulated mainly by setting up a heat preservation shed, and each asphalt spreader produces tap water for heating.
The storage tank of the asphalt spreader concrete transport vehicle is wrapped with heat preservation cotton cloth. During transportation, the asphalt spreader uses a specially made heat preservation cover to buckle the import and export of the storage tank to reduce the outflow of heat. Two points should be paid attention to during the concrete production process: asphalt spreader measurement and calibration equipment. Asphalt spreader measurement and calibration equipment should be calibrated regularly, especially the asphalt spreader, concrete admixture measurement and calibration.
Asphalt Spreader Mixing Time The mixing time of concrete production is related to the strength and uniformity of cement. The asphalt spreader needs to select the mixing time from multiple experiments and production practices. Too short mixing time will have a great impact on the homogeneity of cement concrete, and too long mixing time will cause bleeding and concrete segregation. When the temperature is less than 15℃, the mixing time should be appropriately extended.