Measures to make full use of emulsified bitumen equipment
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Measures to make full use of emulsified bitumen equipment
Release Time:2024-08-23
The viscosity of emulsified bitumen equipment decreases with the increase of temperature during the production process. The power viscosity of emulsified bitumen equipment is about twice as high as every 12℃ increase. During processing, the culture medium bitumen barrel should be heated to liquid before demulsification. In order to better integrate the demulsification emulsified bitumen equipment capacity of the colloid solution mill, the culture medium bitumen barrel power viscosity is generally controlled to be about 200cst. The lower the temperature, the higher the viscosity, which increases the pressure of the bitumen barrel pump and the colloid solution mill, and the emulsion cannot be demulsified. However, on the other hand, in order to prevent the emulsified bitumen equipment from weaning when the finished product water evaporates, it is unlikely to overheat the culture medium bitumen barrel temperature. Generally, the finished product temperature at the inlet and outlet of the colloid solution mill should be less than 85℃.
One of the important methods to control the temperature and viscosity of emulsified bitumen equipment during processing is based on this. Everyone must carry out scientific operation according to the instructions of the emulsified bitumen equipment, so that the characteristics of the emulsified bitumen equipment can be fully presented. The development trend of the drying theory of emulsified bitumen equipment requires the stone resources to be processed, dried and heated. The reason for the emulsified bitumen equipment is that the quality of the wet raw materials does not meet the requirements of the bitumen mixture production and processing technology equipment company.
The higher the wetness of the raw materials, the greater the tensile strength of the drying theory system, especially some fine bitumen mixtures with strong water absorption capacity. Studies have shown that for every 1% increase in the relative humidity of the stone, the energy consumption of the emulsified bitumen equipment may increase by 10%, which shows the importance of controlling the water content of the stone.
In the production process of emulsified bitumen equipment, reasonable methods must be used to control the moisture content of the marble. For example, in order to be able to benefit the sewage pipe, the marble deposition site must have a certain slope. The emulsified bitumen equipment uses cement concrete for hardening on the ground. There should be a wide volatile water near the site, and a sunshade should be built on the site to prevent rain from penetrating. In addition to high-humidity stones, emulsified bitumen equipment also requires stone particles of different sizes and specifications in the drying system. During the operation of the cold bitumen mixture drying system, if the stone particle size is less than 70%, the overflow will increase, which will inevitably lead to fuel consumption. Therefore, the emulsified bitumen equipment must strictly control the size of the stone particle size, and the emulsified bitumen equipment will grade the stones of different particle sizes to reduce the working tensile strength of the drying system.