Reliable Hot Asphalt Recycling plant
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Reliable Hot Asphalt Recycling plant
Release Time:2023-06-01
Sinosun Group is a leading innovator of asphalt mixing plant and recycling asphalt plant for road construction. We also produces and sells a line of bitumen decanter plant, bitumen emulsion plant, modified bitumen plant, asphalt distributor truck, slurry paver truck, chips spreader.
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We manufacture the hot recycling asphalt plant specifically designed to produce 100% RAP mixes. 

To produce a high performance hot mix with 100% RAP, as well as with virgin mixes, requires an engineered approach that focuses on the materials, binder and mix design. By using the Balanced Mix Design (BMD) method you use volumetrics as a tool, rather than a requirement. This allows you to design a mix with the greatest resistances to rutting and cracking.
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With Recycling Asphalt Plant, proper material preparation, a high-quality rejuvenator and using the balanced mix design method you can produce asphalt mixes with 100% RAP that perform as well, or better than traditional mixes.