The U.S. Department of Highway Strategic Research and Planning says trenchless pothole repair technology is good
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The U.S. Department of Highway Strategic Research and Planning says trenchless pothole repair technology is good
Release Time:2024-04-02
Many people have never heard of the trenchless trench gunning repair technology because its name is too long and somewhat convoluted, but its international reputation is extraordinary. The U.S. Highway Strategic Research Program calls it the most durable. and efficient repair methods.
American Highway Strategic Research Program? The U.S. Strategic Highway Research Program is the largest highway research project in the world to date. After long-term practice, researchers found that traditional design concepts and experimental methods are quite different from the actual situation. Some problems that arise during work are difficult to explain with traditional concepts. It is very necessary to conduct scientific and systematic research to formulate a new set of rules and standards for design, experimentation and construction maintenance to meet the needs of highway construction.
The U.S. Department of Highway Strategic Research and Planning says trenchless pothole repair technology is good_1The U.S. Department of Highway Strategic Research and Planning says trenchless pothole repair technology is good_2
Why does trenchless trench gunning repair technology have such a strong reputation that well-known departments in the United States are full of praise for it?
The trenchless trench gunning repair construction technology uses high-concentration and high-viscosity water-based polymer composite materials as the bonding material, and washed single-grained gravel as the aggregate. The trenches are cleaned with high-pressure wind and sprayed with the bonding material. The four construction processes of mixing and spraying adhesive layer oil, bonding material and aggregate, and spraying curing materials are integrated into one gunning repair machine. Permanently repair cracks, cracks, subsidence, and potholes on asphalt and cement pavements.
Not only that, the trenchless gunshot repair technology has a wide range of applications, including high-speed, first-class, second-class, county and township roads; asphalt, cement, gravel roads and other road surfaces; the construction cost is low and can save 50 % material; the repair speed is fast, and it can be opened to traffic immediately after repair to reduce the closed traffic time; once repaired, there is no need to repair again, and the service life is as long as 5-10 years.
Some people may think that the above content is exaggerated, but these properties are recognized by the US Highway Strategic Research Program and are recognized by it as the most durable and efficient repair method. It can be seen that it has its own "real ability". What do you think?