What are the advantages of raw materials of emulsified modified bitumen equipment?
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What are the advantages of raw materials of emulsified modified bitumen equipment?
Release Time:2024-07-10
Compared with the traditional hot and high-temperature recovery definition, the method of using normal temperature or low-temperature hot raw materials for recovery is cold patching, and its common recovery raw materials are cold patching raw materials.
The difference between emulsified modified bitumen plant concrete and general restoration materials is that it has bonding properties and loose characteristics. Compared with traditional hot patching, it avoids the traditional hot patching production process such as round pit square patching and brushing base oil, making up for the shortcomings of traditional hot patching operations that cannot be carried out in cold winter and rainy seasons, and saves the inconvenience of on-site pots and stoves to heat bitumen.
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This type of material can be used at an operating temperature of -30℃~50℃ to restore various types of ground block surface layers in any weather and geographical environment, without polluting air and groundwater, and can be repaired as soon as it is damaged. After restoration, it can be restored to urban traffic after simple destructive compaction, manual compaction or tire rolling.
Its strong anti-aging and bonding properties make the restored road surface less likely to fall off, crack, etc., and its service life reaches more than five years.
The raw materials of the emulsified modified bitumen equipments currently on the market refer to the mixing of discolored bitumen with various colored gravel and dyes at a specific temperature to form bitumen mixtures of various colors, and then paving and rolling to form colorful bitumen concrete pavements with certain tensile strength and road use characteristics, also known as emulsified modified bitumen equipment.