What are the functions of each component of the bagged bitumen melting equipment?
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What are the functions of each component of the bagged bitumen melting equipment?
Release Time:2024-09-06
What important contributions has the bagged bitumen melting equipment made to environmental protection? What important contributions has the bagged bitumen melting equipment made to environmental protection? In the last issue, I told you about the relevant basic knowledge of the bagged asphalt melting equipment. Do you have any feelings? I heard someone say that they forgot. It doesn’t matter. If you forget, you may go to the news dynamics to search for the previous variety show. The content is the same. The current variety show is still about the bagged bitumen melting equipment. Everyone should watch it carefully. Don’t ask everyone in the next issue, and everyone will say that they have forgotten it.
What important contributions has the bagged asphalt melting equipment made to environmental protection? The bagged asphalt melting equipment mainly adopts the temperature active control system to ensure the durability of high temperature and the convenience of operation.
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Bagged asphalt melting equipment has gradually been widely used, and its functions have been widely recognized by many customers. Its performance is inseparable from the functions of each component. The components are closely related, and different components have different functions. What are the main functions of each component? Let our management personnel briefly introduce the relevant knowledge points.
1. Automatic pouring system of thickener of bagged bitumen melting equipment: use negative pressure to suck the thickener into the batching tank.
2. Modified material air delivery system: bagged bitumen melting equipment will manually pour the modified material into the feeding tank into the bitumen batching tank through air delivery.
3. Asphalt batching tank: prepare asphalt concrete according to the secret recipe, and use its combined mixing device to ensure uniform mixing.
4. Cultivated substrate asphalt transportation and metering verification system of bagged asphalt melting equipment: through the cultivated substrate asphalt pump and asphalt steam flowmeter, the set asphalt amount is added to the batching tank through the frequency converter and computer interlocking.
5. Modified asphalt equipment heater: The jacketed heat exchanger uses high-temperature heat transfer oil to further heat the asphalt in the cultivation base to meet the needs of the process.
Bagged bitumen melting equipment is one of the more common facilities for road construction. It uses L-band heat as the heat transfer medium, natural gas, raw coal or oil furnace as the heat source, and is forced to circulate by a hot oil pump to heat the asphalt to the use temperature. Fast heating is the biggest feature of bagged bitumen melting equipment, which can produce high-temperature bitumen in large quantities and save heat. It can obtain a small amount of hot asphalt on a regular basis, and the production of hot bitumen at 160°C does not exceed 4 hours.
Bagged bitumen melting equipment heats in the storage tank to prevent the bitumen from aging due to long-term high-temperature heating and exposure to the air. The sulfate generated during the production process is quite limited, reducing environmental pollution.